Friday, July 30, 2010

Thing #7

Does anyone think I can get through 17 more 'things' before midnight tonight? Well, they shut down blackboard so I can't work on my AP chemistry class until Sunday, so I thought I'd give it a shot. If it looks like I won't be able to do it, it'll be back to laying laminate!

I tried out Lulu. I've heard a lot about it, but frankly I found it to be a little more difficult to navigate than Amazon or Ebay. It's probably a user preference thing. It seemed to want a little more specific parameters and kept the found items list pretty small. I usually can't remember exactly what I'm looking for, how to spell it or the author or other vital information, so I really need a broad stroke kind of search to find something.

I did a search for foundation, hoping to find an ebook version of the Asimov classics I want to re-read, but it took several searches, specifying the author to even get the series up at the top of the list. I tried looking for a chemistry workbook that I want and a couple of texts that i would like to look through, but I didn't remember the exact publishers or contributors names, and so couldn't get any results. I'll just have to stick with Amazon and hunt through the umpteen million hits to find what I need!

1 comment:

  1. Just ask your librarian. ;-)
