Friday, July 2, 2010

Thing #6: Mashups and 3rd Party sites

I'm not a big fan of these mashups. They seem to be very commercial in nature and difficult to navigate, because you have to now navigate two sites and all their commercial enterprises. I made a card, but I could not even access it immediately because I could not find it among the ads and commercial spaces.


  1. I used the trading card link and posted the card on my blog. Maybe you can try that one and it would be easier. It was pretty easy to make and download to my computer. Do you remember which site you were using that you could not navigate?
    I have noticed there are lots of advertisements in the "free" sites. Sometimes I have found that I have left the original site by mistake when searching through them.

  2. It drives me nuts that a great deal of the "free" sites have so many ads. Many times I get frustrated with the ads and end up giving up....
