Friday, July 30, 2010

Summarizing the day, er, um, Course

I'm sorry I did not take this journey over the course of the weeks with most of you. I only hope that Nancy will be gracious enough to even accept my last-minute submissions and give me credit for the PD, but even if she doesn't (and she has every right not to) I have found some great resources to boost my efforts to create a digital paperless classroom. By far and away the greatest resource I found in this course was the rolley-thingy (sorry, I've been at this 11 hours straight, now) that lets me search a specific list of websites. That will make my life so much easier. I have found that it is far easier to collect resources than to utilize them, but this is a tool that will make that infinitely easier. There were several other good sites, apps and tools as well. I can't wait to get back to the book site (I swear I'm brain dead, I cannot remember a name to save my life) and see what else is there. I also look forward to seeing if the RSS keeps me abreast of all those websites I plugged into it. You can all check out my Wiki page at and see what I manage to plug into it from this course.

1 comment:

  1. Great job David! I'm glad you found some new tools to use!

    You finished by July 30 so you do get credit.

    That was the requirement. I am thinking about setting up the fall session differently so that each participant moves through at the same time.
