Friday, June 25, 2010

Thing #5

Flickr is vast! It would take some real time to explore it fully. I went ahead and added a pic of my boys. It is tagged with thomas, superheros, MrT and some others. I'll let you find it.
I joined a group called creative professors. They had some pretty good content and seemed to welcome additions. I wanted to join a group started by a kid trying to get people to post pictures of them making element symbols for a periodic table project, but it said the project was due almost 2 years ago, so I figured it was not going to work out!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hey all. I can blog from my phone!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Thing #4

Easiest one yet. Just replied to the avatar email Nancy sent and changed the subject!

Thing #3

Had much trouble with the avatar thing. No trouble setting up the blog. In fact, I think I joined the 2009 bloggers group! My problem, as usual, is trying to go too fast without reading the directions fully! Anyway, when I actually read thing 3, it had a link right to the avatar page (still don't know how Nancy got there to build the link, but I'll let that be her secret). Once there, I used my most ubiquitous fantasy football avatar (the one where I am a greek god with lightning bolts radiating from me seemed a little much in the short time we've known one another). It does represent me quite well on an average Autumn Sunday (if you figure the dragon as just my imagination doing its normal thing).

Thing #2

I was jotting notes in word as I listened and here is what I typed:

  • Not a big fan of the ‘shhhh’, ‘stay seated’, be quiet’ models.
  • Acting, cooking, fishing, computer
  • Attitude is everything
  • Never too late OR TOO SOON
  • Begin with the end in mind
  • You can always modify your goal
  • Accept responsibility for your own learning
  • Confidence in myself is no problem
  • Best way to learn is to teach
I have been struggling with 'begin with the end in mind' through summer school, as I had a little trouble keeping my head above water the first week. The pacing is outrageous to try to get these kids through a semester in 11 days of school! So this weekend I made the two tests I will give this week before I even started planning and will just work backward to them! Hopefully I can also let the kids do more of the teaching, as this is the best way for them to learn. It is just hard to surrender the classroom to the kids!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

OK, didn't realize this was through gmail. Guess I'll verify the account this time and actually start this blog!